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Classes in SVCC
Classes in ICC
Course 100 (Beginners)
Batch 01
Subject |
Days |
Time |
Name of Teacher |
Patawali |
Monday |
3.00 Pm – 4.00 Pm |
Ms. Nadheera |
Sanrachana |
Monday |
4.00 Pm - 5.00 Pm |
Ms. Nadheera |
Maukhik |
Friday |
3.30 Am - 04.30 Pm |
Mrs. Amani |
Lekhan |
Friday |
2.30 Am - 3.30 pm |
Mrs. Athila |
Batch 02
Subject |
Days |
Time |
Name of Teacher |
Maukhik |
Friday |
3.30 Pm - 4.30 Pm |
Mrs. Amani |
Patawali |
Saturday |
2.00 Pm - 3.00 Pm |
Mrs.Achala |
Sanrachana |
Saturday |
3.00 Pm - 4.00 Pm |
Mrs.Achala |
Lekhan |
Saturday |
4.00 Pm - 5.00 pm |
Mrs. Achala |
Course 200 (Intermediate)
Subject |
Days |
Time |
Name of Teacher |
Patawali |
Thursday |
3.00p.m - 4.00p.m |
Ms. Nadheera |
Maukhik |
Thursday |
4.00p.m - 5.00Pm |
Volunteer Teacher |
Sanrachana |
Saturday |
10.00a.m -11.00Am |
Mrs. Amani |
Sahithya |
Saturday |
09.00p.m – 10.00Am |
Ms. Chandima |
Lekhan |
Saturday |
11.00Am - 12.00 Pm |
Ms.Chandima |
Course 300 (Advance)
Subject |
Days |
Time |
Name of Teacher |
Sahithya |
Thursday |
4.00 Pm - 5.00 Pm |
Ms. Nadheera |
Mokhik |
Thursday |
5.00 Pm - 6.00 Pm |
Volunteer Teacher |
Lekhan |
Saturday |
10.00 Am-11.00 Am |
Ms. Chandima |
Patawali |
Saturday |
9.00 Pm – 10.00 Pm |
Ms. Nadheera |
Sanrachana |
Saturday |
12.15 Pm – 1.15 Pm |
Mrs. Amani |
Course 400 (Post Graduate Diploma)
Subject |
Days |
Time |
Name of Teacher |
Bharatiya Sanskriti & Wikalpik Prashna pathra |
Saturday |
1.30 Pm -3.00 Pm |
Mrs.Amani |
Hindi Bhashan |
Saturday |
12.30 Pm - 1.30 Pm |
Mrs . Achala |
Patawali |
Saturday |
11.30 Am-12.30 Pm |
Mrs.Achala |
Sampreshan Kala |
Saturday |
3.00 Pm – 4.00 Pm |
Mrs. Chandima |
Special Hindi Class (Friday) Friday |
11.00Am –1.00Pm |
Mrs. Athila |
Course duration: One year
• Registration fee: SL.Rs 250/=
• Monthly fee: SL.Rs. 500/=
• Each Student will attend the class twice a week
Hindi O/L Course & Hindi A/L Course
Wednesday 3.00 Pm- 5.00 Pm
Mrs. Nadheera
Course duration:One year
• Registration fee: SL.Rs 250/=
• Monthly fee: SL.Rs. 500/=
• Each Student will attend the class once a week
Days |
Time |
Name of Teacher |
Friday |
4.30 Pm - 6.00 Pm |
Mrs. Amani |
Course duration:One year
• Registration fee: SL.Rs 250/=
• Monthly fee: SL.Rs. 500/=
• Each Student will attend the class once a week
Days |
Time |
Name of Teacher |
Friday |
Beginners- 01-30Pm - 2.30Pm Intermediate- 3.30 Pm- 4.30 Pm Advance - 4.30 Pm – 5.30 Pm |
Mrs.Athila |
Course duration:One year
• Registration fee: SL.Rs 250/=
• Monthly fee: SL.Rs. 500/=
• Each Student will attend the class once a week
Bharatha Natyam
Dr. SubashiniPathmanathan
Days |
Time |
Saturday |
10.00 Am – 03.00 Pm (1Hrs Duration Class Time) |
Mrs. Vasugy Jeegatheeswaran
Days |
Time |
Tuesday |
02.00 Pm- 07.00Pm (1Hrs Duration Class Time) |
Course duration:Each level 1 ½ to 2 Years (duration will very depending on the student progress)
• Registration fee: SL.Rs 250/=
• Monthly fee: SL.Rs. 1000/=
• Each Student will attend the class Once a week
Carnatic Vocal Music
Mrs. Dhaaranie Rajkumar
Days |
Time |
Saturday |
02.00Pm-07.00Pm (1Hrs Duration Class Time) |
Course duration:Each level 1 ½ to 2 Years (duration will very depending on the student progress)
• Registration fee: SL.Rs 250/=
• Monthly fee: SL.Rs.1000/=
• Each Student will attend the class once a week
Mr. M.P. Sadara Supethum Peiris
Days |
Time |
Monday |
02.00 Pm- 07.00 Pm (1Hrs Duration Class Time) |
Course duration:Each level 1 ½ to 2 Years (duration will very depending on the student progress)
• Registration fee: SL.Rs 250/=
• Monthly fee: SL.Rs. 1000/=
• Each Student will attend the class Once a week
Dr. NirmalaKumari Rodrigo
Days |
Time |
Monday |
02.00 Pm – 07.00 Pm (1Hrs Duration Class Time) |
Course duration: Each level 1 ½ to 2 Years (duration will very depending on the student progress)
• Registration fee: SL.Rs 250/=
• Monthly fee: SL.Rs. 1000/=
• Each Student will attend the class once a week
Mr. K.A.D. Ranga Perera
Days |
Time |
Friday |
02.00 Pm -07.00Pm (1Hrs Duration Class Time) |
Course duration:Each level 1 ½ to 2 Years (duration will very depending on the student progress)
• Registration fee: SL.Rs 250/=
• Monthly fee: SL.Rs. 1000/=
• Each Student will attend the class once a week
Dr. Somasir iIllesinghe
Days |
Time |
Wednesday |
02.00Pm- 07.00Pm (1Hrs Duration Class Time) |
Total numbers of hours: 5hrs
Course duration:Each level 1 ½ to 2 Years (duration will very depending on the student progress)
• Registration fee: SL.Rs 250/=
• Monthly fee: SL.Rs. 1000/=
• Each Student will attend the class once a week
Mr. VyashaKalyanasundaram
Days |
Name of Teacher |
Time |
Saturday & Sunday |
Beginners |
4.00p.m - 5.00p.m |
Saturday & Sunday |
Intermediate |
5.00p.m - 6.00p.m |
Saturday & Sunday |
Intermediate |
7.30 Am- 8.30 Am |
Monday |
Intermediate |
6.00 Am- 7.00 Am |
Wednesday |
Intermediate |
6.00 Am- 7.00 Am |
Course duration: 4months
If you are interested in joining the classes held at Swami Vivekananda Cultural Centre please download the application from below and contact our officers to proceed.
Download the ICC application form for various classes
Tel – 2684698
Fax - 2684697
E-mail – iccrcolombo[at]gmail[dot]com
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/ Swami Vivekananda Cultural Centre Colombo